Personified Possessions

Artist Statement:

The role that objects play in our lives on a daily basis is extremely under-appreciated by most people. ‘Things’ are the foundation of our routines and activities, whether we consciously consider their impact or not. The things we choose to keep, decorate with, and use, are all aspects of our personalities coming to light, but the objects themselves can have personalities too. This series explores the alternative use of our belongings, as photographic subjects with inner personalities, and the resulting humor that can come from thinking of them in a new light. Whether it be with a pun, a movie reference, or a curious juxtaposition, our things can cause us to reconsider what we regularly see as ordinary.

Apple Charger.jpg
Cash Cow.jpg
Cat & Mouse.jpg
Diddy Kong.jpg
Pea Shooter.jpg
Regular K.jpg
Smoking Kazoo.jpg